
‘Re-open EU’: Commission launches new web platform to safely resume free movement and tourism in the EU

Today, the Commission is launching ‘Re-open EU’, a web platform that contains essential information allowing a safe relaunch of free movement and tourism across Europe. To help people confidently plan their travels and holidays during the summer and beyond, the platform will provide real-time information on borders, available means of transport, travel restrictions, public health and safety measures such as on physical distancing or wearing of face masks, as well as other practical information for travelers.

The ‘Re-open EU’ platform is one of the measures announced by the Commission in its Tourism and Transport package of 13 May to help travelling and tourism resume safely in the EU while respecting the necessary health precautions. ‘Re-open EU’ will act as a key point of reference for anyone travelling in the EU as it centralises up-to-date information from the Commission and the Member States in one place.  It will allow people to browse country-specific information for each EU Member State through an interactive map, offering updates on applicable national measures as well as practical advice for visitors in the country.

The platform is easily accessible on desktop and mobile by following the ‘Re-open EU’ link: ‘Re-open EU’ and the information is available in the 24 official EU languages.

The complete press release in 23 translations can be found on the following link.