Road Summer School 2022
The Transport Community in partnership with the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) the International Road Federation (IRF), organised the Capacity Building – Summer School 2022, in Sarajevo, focused this year on safe, smart and sustainable roads. The intention was to bring together young transport professionals from the Regional Partners to contribute to their capacity building and, by increasing their skills and knowledge, to support achieving the common objective of sustainable, greener, and innovative road transport systems.
The programme was structured thematically around the road transport policy, EU accession, safe, smart, secure, social inclusive, innovative and sustainable road development. The format was with participatory attendance through group work activities. Furthermore, it served as a forum to exchange knowledge and best practices within the region and with EU MS.
Road Summer School build upon Transport Community most recent policy documents and events in the road sector such as:
- The Road Action Plan and Road Safety Action Plan, endorsed by the Regional Steering Committee on 26 October 2020, will guide the region to develop climate resilient, intelligent, and resource-efficient TEN-T road network by incorporating green and smart elements in road investments at the same time promoting safety management, safer infrastructure, and protection of road users.
- Following the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy for Western Balkans in July 2021, and as road is the main transport polluter, it is essential greening and digitalisation of infrastructure and operations, at the same time not jeopardising road safety.
- Ministers Declaration on development of safe, smart and sustainable roads, June 2022.