TEN-T KPI workshop, Technical Committees for Road, Rail, and Waterborne Transport; Study Visit
Aim: The Transport Community Summer School will be a training program on transport–related topics, allowing the participants to gain sound knowledge and understanding of EU transport policies and regulations and a possibility to exchange knowledge and best practices. It will be focused on topics relevant for the Transport Community and on all aspects related to the transport sector. The approach is a multi-disciplinary one, ranging from science to governance. While the school will be focusing mainly on the situation in the South Eastern Europe, it will aim to consider the broader geographical context in Europe and possibly beyond.
Topic: Rail
When: 29 June – 02 July 2021
Where: Serbia
Language: English
Description: The Transport Community Summer School will cover governance, legal, economic, cultural, political as well as state of the art aspects of the transport system. This holistic approach will allow the participants to become aware of the complexity of topical transport issues from different points of view, while at the same time enabling them to discover new approaches and solutions so urgently needed especially in the countries of the Transport Community. The Summer School aims to foster the development of participants’ competences in all topics related to transport so that they – whatever their future career and walk of life may be – can use them in an innovative manner.
The Summer School will also provide an opportunity for the participants to become part of a network that will gradually expand and remain in contact with each other and with the instructors after the training. It will furthermore allow them to benefit from engaging with speakers coming from both the academic institutions and practitioners.