
Social Forum in Pristina

Pristina, 8 March – The 4th Transport Community Social Forum in Pristina focused on the role of civil society organisations in creating sustainable, smart and inclusive mobility in the Western Balkans.

Participants discussed the Action Plan for the implementation of the EU Acquis in the area of social issues and passenger rights, inclusive and accessible mobility for all, and the role of civil society in shaping the Green Agenda in the Western Balkans.

Non-governmental organisations play a crucial role in the work of the Transport Community, and they have contributed substantially to our Report on Passenger Rights.

The Social Forum consisted of three parts:

  • The plenary session focused on the Action Plan for the implementation of the EU Acquis in the area of social issues and passenger rights
  • Panel 1 focused on Inclusive Mobility – how to make mobility accessible for everyone
  • Panel 2 will focus on Sustainable Mobility – on the role of the civil aociety and the Green Agenda in the Western Balkans