
Transport Community Publishes Its Annual Reports on TEN-T Development and EU Acquis Transposition

WESTERN BALKANS – The Transport Community has released its third annual Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) Report and the EU Acquis Progress Report adopted by the Ministerial Council at its meeting held in Skopje on 12 December 2023. These comprehensive documents focus on the region’s advancements in connectivity and the recommendations for advancing transport integration and reforms.

TEN-T Report: Progress but Challenges Persist

The TEN-T Report underscores the Western Balkans’ progress in enhancing connectivity across various transport modes. The successful delivery of new projects and positive investment dynamics are acknowledged. However, the report reveals that the region falls short of achieving full compliance within the stipulated timeframes set down in Regulation No 1315/2013.

A considerable gap between investment needs and available funding persists. Cost overruns pose a significant concern, raising doubts about the region’s ability to secure funding for ongoing and future projects. The report emphasises the importance of prioritisation and strategic focus to optimise resource utilisation and maximise economic returns.

The Transport Observatory Information System (TODIS) is welcomed as a game-changer in data management, contributing not only with its intrinsic features but also by institutionalising the TEN-T data management process in the region. This year’s report not only marks the third consecutive installment but also provides new and reliable data, establishing a knowledge baseline for ongoing monitoring and updates.

Maintenance of the transport infrastructre remains a key challenge in the region.

Acquis Progress Report: Gradual Progress with a Need for Increased Pace

The Acquis Progress Report details the efforts made in implementing the Transport Community Permanent Secretariat’s five Action Plans and the transposition of the Annex I of the Transport Community Treaty.

The reporting period (October 2022 – October 2023) saw numerous activities related to capacity building, training, and workshops to enhance understanding and strengthen capacities for implementing the Transport Acquis.

While the Acquis Progress Report acknowledges gradual progress during this reporting period, it highlights the need for an increased pace in implementation. The overall progress remains slow to moderate, indicating persistent challenges in aligning with European transport standards.

To access the reports, click the links below: