The objective of this report is to outline the progress achieved in implementing the Transport Community Permanent Secretariat’s (TCT Secretariat) Five Action Plans, as well as provide an overview, as reported by the Regional partners, on the transposition of ANNEX I of the Transport Community Treaty. This report provides the various stakeholders, relevant regional authorities, and other international institutions with an objective perspective on the additional efforts and concrete measures taken, along with necessary future measures, including timeline and coordination mechanisms.
Regional partners and stakeholders have dedicated time and efforts to deliver and progress in all five sectors covered by the Action Plans: (i) Rail, (ii) Transport Facilitation, (iii) Road, (iv) Road Safety, (v) Waterborne Transport and Multimodality4. Specifically, these effort encompass rail market opening, facilitation of border/common crossing point procedures, infrastructure maintenance, developing an ITS strategic framework, and establishing the road safety observatory for the Western Balkans.